JB Newstream 2 - шаблон joomla Видео

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In May 13-24, 2018 the iRT centre hold Joint basic and advanced course on assistance and protection against chemical weapons for Russian-speaking first responders. Trainees came from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Lebanon, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. The OPCW experts came for audit of training. During their stay matters of further cooperation were discussed. Additional information can be found here: https://www.opcw.org/news/article/russian-speaking-first-responders-train-in-chemical-emergency-response-techniques/

 IMG 7901

IMG 7929

IMG 7998

IMG 20180513 181246

IMG 20180513 190202

IMG 20180513 194100

озхо М364


Video: Training programs

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