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United Arab Emirates specialists

In October 28 - November 09, 2019 eight representatives of UAE Armed Forces took training course “Responding to incidents involving chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear substances (according to recommendations of NATO Civil emergency planning and civil protection committee”. The training was organized for 2 weeks. During the field exercises the trainees showed their knowledge on safety measures, learned to work with chemical and radiation detectors, devices of radiation control. The trainees worked out questions of decontamination and sanitary processing, rescue activities and first medical care.  





In October 06-20 2018, 4 representatives of of the UAE Armed Forces passed training under the program “Elimination of emergencies with chemical and radioactive substances”. Outside classes were organized in the Republican Special Rescue Team and the Republican Center for Management and Emergency Response in Minsk. The following issues were practically worked out at the iRT centre: conducting emergency rescue operations in the area of chemical contamination; organization and conduct of decontamination; rescue operations in the area of radiation accident.

Read more: Group training 06-20.10.2018

From September 29 to October 6, 2018 3 representatives of the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) of the United Arab Emirates were trained under the program “Monitoring and forecasting of emergencies”. Exercises were organized for the trainees in the Atomtech Unitary Enterprise, the Republican Special Response Team, the State Aviation Emergency Rescue Institution. The trainees got acquainted with the educational material base and educational opportunities of the University. As part of the cultural they visited the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War and made a sightseeing tour about Minsk.



In July 22 – August 02, 2019 fifth group of Abu Dhabi Police representatives passed training on “Rescue actions in emergency areas (lecturer-instructor on rescue actions)” at the IRTcentre. Apart from training at the premises of the IRTcentre the trainees visited the National Response Team, the MES diving and rescue centre, MES unit of Minsk city and others. The trainees also made a parachute-free landing from MI-8 helicopter from 20-25 m. height. During the training the UAE officers made a presentation of their own Academy and showed their experience on rescue actions in UAE.

Read more: Group training 22.07-02.08.2019

From August 26 to September 08, 2018 6 representatives of the UAE Armed Forces were trained under the program “Emergency rescue operations in zones of radioactive and chemical contamination”. Theoretical classes were organized in Minsk at the University of Civil Protection. Practical skills were worked out at the operational-tactical field of the iRT centre. Studies were organized in the environment unfit for breathing, high temperature and open fire.

Read more: Group training 26.08-08.09.2018

In June 17-28, 2019 fourth group of Abu Dhabi Police representatives passed training on “Rescue actions in emergency areas (for instructors)” at the IRTcentre. The trainees had training in conditions unsuitable for breathing, high temperature, limited visibility. At leisure time the trainees visited Belarusian museum of the Great Patriotic War history and other places in Minsk city.

Read more: Group training17-28.06.2019

From June 26 till July 06, 2018 the fifth UAE Armed Forces group was trained at iRT Centre. The training was highly appreciated by the trainees, as they had a good opportunity to exercise on the training ground suitable for imitating any kind of emergencies. The training for held under the program “Emergency rescue operations in zones of chemical contamination”. The guests were also lucky to have long holidays during the training, so they got a good view of the nature and historical heritage of the Republic of Belarus.

From April 29 to May 03, 2019 third group of Abu Dhabi Police of the United Arab Emirates representatives were trained according to the program “Safe fire extinguishing at electrical installations under voltage from 0.22 kv to 110 kv inclusive”. The classes were held at the University of Civil protection in Minsk and at the IRTcentre’s training area. The UAE trainees have a wide experience in the field of emergency response to natural and man-made disasters. During the training the foreign specialists shared their knowledge with the instructors of the IRTcentre.  


In May 14-25, 2018 five UAE Armed Forces specialists were trained under the program “Protection against chemical weapons”. The training was organized according to the recommendations of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. The trainees shared their wide personal experience with training staff of the university and the Scientific Enterprise “ATOMTECH”. Leisure time was spent at picturesque places of Minsk city and its surroundings. This was the forth trained group from UAE this year.

In April 08-12, 2019 second group of Abu Dhabi Police of the United Arab Emirates trainees passed training at the IRTcentre. The training was held under the program “Safety procedures in industrial zones”. The trainees showed their skills of fire-extinguishing during industrial accidents, management а forces and means in emergencies at factories, plants and industrial zones. Apart from training the specialist visited the main places of interest in Minsk city.

Read more: Group training 08.04-12.04.2019

In April 02-13, 2018 five UAE Armed Forces specialists were trained under the program “Hazardous chemical substances incidents response”. During the training field classes were also organized at the Scientific Enterprise “ATOMTECH” and LLC “Polimaster”. The guests got a cultural view of the historical places of Minsk city and Minsk region. This was the third group from UAE this year.

Read more: Group training 02-13.04.2018

In March 18-22, 2019 a group of trainees from Abu Dhabi Police of the United Arab Emirates passed training course “Theoretical and psychological basis of management” at the IRTcentre. The UAE specialists got a full view of the activities of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus. Also they had a chance to compare the training possibilities of the educational establishments in the field of emergency response in Belarus and UAE.  

From October 29 till November 09, 2018 the eighth UAE Armed Forces group passed training and shared their experience on radiological emergencies at the iRT Centre. The two-week training was devoted to responding to radioactive emergencies and incidents. This year the Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates sent 8 groups of chemical service specialists for practical training at the operational-tactical field of the iRT centre. Hopefully this kind of cooperation brings mutual benefits to both sides. We are looking forward to next year cooperation!



Video: Training programs

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