JB Newstream 2 - шаблон joomla Видео

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From April 15 to 22, 2024, at IRTcentre, 13 representatives of the Uzbekistan aviation organizations were trained under the training course program «Initial Training of Airport Medical Personnel, Managers, and Inspectors in Aviation Medicine, Emergency Response, Search and Rescue Operations (according to the ICAO Recommendations)".

As part of the training program, trainees studied aviation physiology and aviation psychology, and the requirements of international regulations to ensure the safety of aircraft flights. Practical skills training was held at the Republican Center for Professional Certification and Simulation Training for Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers at the Belarusian State Medical University and on the basis of the Fire and Emergency Flight Support Service of the Minsk National Airport. For guests, excursions were organized to the Museum of Fire and Rescue Affairs and the Educational Center for Life Safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus. At the Belarus State Museum of Folklore and Rural Life, Uzbek visitors not only learned about the traditions of the Belarus people, but also had a chance to taste traditional Belarusian cuisine.

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Video: Training programs

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